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Альбина Геннадьевна

Альбина Геннадьевна
47 лет

Россия, Волгоград

The film I've watched recently (сочинение - 9 класс)

1/ I have watched the film called "English Lessons" recently. It is a сomedy about searching for the best work. 2/ I’d like to recommend this film to people who want just to relax and laugh. The plot centres on the three young losers who are looking for a job in the labour market,

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My favorite movie is "The adventures of Thomas Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" (9 класс)

My favorite movie is "The adventures of Thomas Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" based on the well-known novel of the famous American writer Mark Twain. And although this film is children's adventure film, adults can watch it with great interest too. This film shows the ordinary life of a

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Мой любимый фильм (книга) "Приключения Томаса Сойера и Гекльберри Финна" (мини-сочинение 6-7 класс)

Мой любимый фильм "Приключения Томаса Сойера и Гекльберри Финна" по мотивам произведения великого Марка Твена. И хотя этот фильм считается детским приключенческим фильмом, взрослые люди тоже с интересом могут посмотреть его. В сюжете фильма обычная жизнь маленького городка американског

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My favorite book - "Stories about Sherlock Holmes" (9 класс)

My favorite book is "Stories about Sherlock Holmes" by A. Conan Doyle about his famous detective Sherlock Holmes. The main character of the famous detective and his description is known by everybody: pipe, violin, and the ability to solve the most complicated crimes, not even leaving hi

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My favourite movie "The Dallas club buyers" (топик - 9 класс)

"The Dallas club buyers" is an American drama film made by director Jean-Marc Vallee. The world premiere took place in September 2013 at the international film festival in Toronto, in the broad American hire film was released two months later. The film is about the misfortune of people wit

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My favourite movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" (топик - 9 класс)

It is an American action, a bit romance, which can be attributed to comedy too, it is directed by Doug Liman. Chief producer of the film, is Lucas foster and operator is Bojan Bazelli. Age category of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" is above the age of 16! So I wouldn't recommend child

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My favourite movie (мини сочинение 9 класс)

For adventure lovers, I recommend this movie.Max and Leo are two adventurers whose attempt to find the treasure almost never were successful. After another failure, miraculously remained alive, they sit in the bar for people with dubious reputation, where they met a lover of archaeology Dr. Goodwin.

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My favourite singer and actress Barbra Streisand (комментарий на форуме). 9 класс.

Hi, Ann. A few days ago I joined this forum, where you and other boys and girls discuss your favourite films and actors. I would like to tell you about Barbra Streisand. She was born on April 24, 1942 in Brooklyn, USA. She's an American singer and actress, a composer, a director, a producer

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Мини-сочинение "Что значит читать правильно?"

Пословица "Не на пользу читать, коли вершки глотать" призывает нас читать вдумчиво, анализируя и размышляя над прочитанным. Каждое слово, каждое описание автора несет в себе смысл, требует внимательного и бережного к себе отношения. Часто мы читаем "по диагонали", то есть просто

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Мини-сочинение о фильме "Сталинград"

Сразу по названию становится понятно, что этот фильм - военная драма. Историческая для Волгограда-Сталинграда дата - 1942-й год. Все мы, сегодняшние школьники, много слышали про то время и ту битву: на уроках истории, на внеклассных мероприятиях. Мы ходили на фильм с друзьями, нам было интересно по

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