40 руб.

Выполнена Срочно, помогите, плз!!

  • Вопрос 1

    Верны ли следующие суждения о гуманизме?

    А. Личность должна служить государству 
    Б. Государство должно служить личности 

    Верно только А

    Верно только Б

    Верны оба суждения

    Оба суждения неверны

  • Вопрос 2

    Субъект правонарушения - это:

    лицо, пострадавшее в результате правонарушения

    только вменяемые физические лица

    все физические лица, достигшие возраста привлечения к юридической ответственности

    деликтоспособное лицо, совершившее противоправное деяние

  • Вопрос 3

    Укажите объект общей совместной собственности супружеской пары (брачный договор между супругами не заключен):

    драгоценности, приобретенные для жены во время совместной заграничной поездки

    антикварные шахматы, унаследованные мужем от деда

    загородный домик с небольшим земельным участком, подаренный жене ее родителями в день свадьбы

    модельная обувь, купленная женой на гонорар за публикацию в журнале «Здоровье»

  • Вопрос 4

    К какому виду договора относится сделка, связанная с продажей квартиры?:

    договор мены

    договор поручения

    договор купли-продажи

    договор подряда

  • Вопрос 5

    Исторически возникший вид устойчивого социального объединения, представленный родом, племенем, народностью, это:





  • Вопрос 6

    Каким органом в РФ решается вопрос об усыновлении (удочерении)?

    органом опеки и попечительства

    комиссией по делам несовершеннолетних и защите их прав

    органами внутренних дел

    органом ЗАГС

  • Вопрос 7

    Отметьте, что НЕ относится к правонарушениям

    автомобилист пропустил пешехода на нерегулируемом переходе

    ученица получила «2» за контрольную работу

    покупатель вошел в продовольственный магазин с сумкой

    водитель сбежал с места аварии

    сотрудник присвоил себе чужие деньги

    Маша потеряла мобильный телефон

  • Вопрос 8

    Отметьте, отношения, лежащие в основе института собственности

    отношение обмена

    отношение распределения

    отношение власти

    отношение пользования

    отношение владения

    конфликтные отношения

  • Вопрос 9

    Отметься положения, НЕ являющиеся особенностями научного познания


    эмоциональный характер оценки результатов

    предполагает веру в полученные результаты

    возможность опытной проверки

    использование аллегорий

    системная связь с ранее полученными знаниями

  • Вопрос 10

    Верны ли следующие суждения?

    А. Легальность и легитимность – одно и то же
    Б. Местное самоуправление является одной из ветвей государственной власти.


    верно только А

    верно только Б

    верны оба суждения

    оба суждения неверны

  • Обществознание
  • Домашнее задание
  • Сдать до 14.12.2015 16:00
150 руб.

Выполнена Срочно, помогите, плз!!


Task 1. Fill in the blanks with ONE word per each group of sentences.

1. My favorite time of the season is when maple trees start to ___________


Make sure you always have some _______________ with you. It’s hard to break a big note.

That operation was a drastic _________________ for her. Finally, she has become popular due to her looks.

2. Her cousin started as a secretary and worked her way to the _______.

I can’t seem to find the _____________of my shampoo bottle.

Madrid stayed on ____________ throughout most of the match.

3. I do know I can be rather annoying at times but I always _______ well.

Her attitude doesn’t ____________ that she doesn’t like you.

They’ve promised to fire us, and I think they ____________business.

4. All students are given a ___________ to learn another language.

How did I meet my husband? Actually, that was a ______________ meeting that changed the course of my live.

Did I win the competition? Fat ___________

5. School bullies always pick on

_________________and vulnerable classmates.

Your coffee is rather _________________. I like it a bit stronger.

Every time John sees her he feels _________________at the knees.

Task 2. Read the text. Choose the correct answer per question (A,B,C, D or E).

[Immediately following: The church bell is heard striking six. At the sixth stroke the alarm clock goes off in AMANDA's room, and after a few moments we hear her calling "Rise and Shine! Rise and Shine! Laura, go tell your brother to rise and shine!'] TOM [sitting up slowly]: I'll rise -but I won't shine.

[The light increases.]

AMANDA: Laura, tell your brother his coffee is ready.

[LAURA slips into front room.]

LAURA: Tom! - It's nearly seven. Don't make mother nervous. [He stares at her stupidly. Beseechingly.] Tom, speak to mother this morning. Make up with her, apologize, speak to her!

TOM: She won't to me. It's her that started not speaking.

LAURA: If you just say you're sorry she'll start speaking.

TOM: Her not speaking - is that such a tragedy?

LAURA: Please - please! AMANDA [calling from kitchenette]: Laura, are you going to do what I asked you to do, or do I have to get dressed and go out myself?

LAURA: Going, going - soon as I get on my coat! (30) [She pulls on a shapeless felt hat with nervous, jerky movement, pleadingly glancing at TOM. Rushes awkwardly for coat. The coat is one of AMANDA's, inaccurately made-over the sleeves too short for LAURA.] Butter and what else?

AMANDA [entering upstage]: Just butter. Tell them to charge it.

(38) LAURA: Mother, they make such faces when I do that.

AMANDA: Sticks and stones can break our bones, but the expression on Mr Garfinkel's face won't harm us! Tell your brother his coffee is getting cold.

LAURA [at door]: Do what I asked you, will you, will you, TOM?

[He looks sullenly away.]

AMANDA: Laura, go now or just don't go at all!

LAURA [rushing out]: Going -going! [A second later she cries out. TOM Springs up and crosses to door. AMANDA rushes anxiously in. TOM opens the door.]

TOM: Laura?

LAURA: I'm all right. I slipped, but I'm all right.

AMANDA [peering anxiously after her]: If anyone breaks a leg on those fire- escape steps, the landlord ought to be sued for every cent he possesses! [She shuts door. Remembers she isn't speaking and returns to other room.]

Tennessee Williams

6. This scene is primarily about

A. Getting up in the morning.

B. Laura’s ill-fitting clothes.

C. The search for the meaning of life.

D. The hardships of Amanda’s family.

E. A family disagreement.

7. What does Laura want Tom to do?

A. Get out of bed.

B. Get butter for breakfast.

C. Pay the bills at Mr. Garfinkel’s store.

D. Apologize to his mother.

E. Drink his coffee.

8. The scene is set

A. in a one-room apartment.

B. in a small house.

C. in a grocery store.

D. in a large suburban house.

E. in a small apartment.

9. We can infer from lines 30-38 that

A. Mr. Garfinkel enjoys Laura’s visits to his store.

B. Amanda and her family spend too much money.

C. Laura likes to wear her mother’s clothes.

D. Amanda’s family does not have a great deal of money.

E. Laura goes to Mr. Garfinkel’s store too often.

10. Tom’s mood is

A. Sulky

B. Cheerful

C. Unpredictable

D. Wild

E. Reasonable


Beneath each sentence you'll find five ways of writing the underlined part. Choose the answer that makes the best sentence. Answer A is always the same as the underlined part and is sometimes the right answer. Each correct answer gives you 2 points.

1. The soccer team plays exceptionally well tonight because the coach had

them to practice every night this week.

A. to practice

B. has practiced

C. practiced

D. practice

E. the practice

2. Alice and Ivan used to going to the movies at the downtown mall every


A. used to going

B. used to go

C. use to go

D. are used to go

E. were used to go

3. Mother had hoped him to answer her letter.

A. him to answer

B. that he answer

C. that he would answer

D. him answering

E. him answer

4. Having recovered from his flu, Mark now feels good enough to take care

of his niece’s child again.

A. good enough

B. enough

C. enough good

D. good

E. well enough

5. We are planning to buy an apartment in New York, but we want to know

what are the taxes there first.

A. what are the taxes

B. the taxes

C. what the taxes are

D. the taxes are

E. what taxes

6. Neither the dean nor the vice-president know how many candidates have

sent in their applications for the new course.

A. know

B. are in the know

C. learns

D. knows

E. learn

7. Mary didn’t seem to mind that they watch TV while she was rehearsing

her lines for her part in the show.

A. that they watch

B. them watching

C. their watching

D. them to watch

E. their watch

8. Since the tropical storm had been so fierce. City officials

advised people living on the coast to watch the water level carefully.

A. fierce. City

B. fierce; city

C. fierce city

D. fierce; therefore, city

E. fierce, city

9. According to the local experts, the cost of the price of bus fares will

increase every month.

A. the cost of the price of bus fares

B. the cost of bus fares

C. the cost of the bus

D. buses prices

E. fares

10. Although she seems at times rather mature and serious, Miriam still loves to read trashy novels, singing on a crowded bus, and to play hide-and- seek with little kids.

A. novels, singing on a crowded bus, and

B. novels, to sing on a crowded bus, and

C. novels, she sings on a crowded bus, and

D. novels to singing on a crowded bus and

E. novels; singing on a crowded bus and


Task 4.

Imagine that this is the year of CULTURAL HERITAGE in Russia and all over the world and you, being a news reporter, have to write a news article (200 – 250 words) describing the two pictures below. Your correct answer gives you 40 points. Follow the plan:

1. Name the date and the places. 2. Describe the places in the pictures. 3. Signify the importance of these places. 4. Make up some special events held there.



Screenshot_2015-12-13-18-37-443.png Screenshot_2015-12-13-18-37-351.png

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