6 класс. Английский язык. Предлоги движения в английском языке

6 класс. Английский язык. Предлоги движения в английском языке

Комментарии преподавателя

Предлоги движения

Пред­ло­ги – это слу­жеб­ные слова, ко­то­рые, со­че­та­ясь с су­ще­стви­тель­ны­ми, ме­сто­име­ни­я­ми и чис­ли­тель­ны­ми, ука­зы­ва­ют на син­так­си­че­ское от­но­ше­ние их к дру­гим сло­вам. Если го­во­рить проще и непо­сред­ствен­но о пред­ло­гах дви­же­ния, то можно ска­зать, что это «ма­лень­кие слова, ко­то­рые ис­поль­зу­ют­ся для опи­са­ния дви­же­ния».


Рис. 1 (Ис­точ­ник)

К пред­ло­гам дви­же­ния от­но­сят­ся слова:

up (вверх), down (вниз), over (сверх, над), away (из, прочь), from (из), toward (по на­прав­ле­нию), past (мимо), into (в, вовнутрь),out of (из, из­нут­ри), around (во­круг), on (на), off (прочь), across (через), through (сквозь), under (под).

 Упражнение по видеоклипу 1

Вос­ста­но­ви­те по па­мя­ти по­ря­док дей­ствий из ви­део­кли­па.

The man gets  into his flat.

He walks  the glass and goes .

They go  a swimming pool.

They go  one phone box and another.

They go  an office and the people in the office join them.

He sits .

The postman drops his letters and joins him.

He goes  the postman.

They go  some bushes.

They go  a robot made of cardboard boxes.

A man’s breakfast tells him to go.

He stands  and leaves his flat.

They go  a bus stop and the people waiting join them.

They go  a corner and  a narrow lane.


A man’s breakfast tells him to go.

He stands  and leaves his flat.

He goes  the postman.

The postman drops his letters and joins him.

They go  some bushes.

They go  a swimming pool.

They go  a bus stop and the people waiting join them.

They go  an office and the people in the office join them.

They go  one phone box and  another.

They go  a corner and  a narrow lane.

They go  a robot made of cardboard boxes.

The man gets  into his flat.

He walks  the glass and goes .

He sits .

 Prepositions of movement

Walking down the stairs

Walking up the stairs

Riding into the cave

Running toward the dragon

Running away from the dragons

Riding out of the cave

Running across the bridge

Jumping off the bridge

Jumping onto the bridge

Flying over the cloud

Flying under the cloud

Flying through the cloud

Flying around the cloud

Flying past the cloud

Спус­ка­ясь по лест­ни­це

Под­няв­шись по лест­ни­це

Въез­жая в пе­ще­ру

Дви­га­ясь в сто­ро­ну дра­ко­на

Убе­гая от дра­ко­нов

Вы­ез­жая из пе­ще­ры

Бегая через мост

Пры­гая с моста

Пры­гая на мост

Про­ле­тая над об­ла­ком

Про­ле­тая под об­ла­ком

Про­ле­тая сквозь об­ла­ко

Про­ле­тая во­круг об­ла­ка

Про­ле­тая мимо об­ла­ка

 Упражнение по видеоклипу 2

За­пол­ни­те про­пус­ки сло­ва­ми из ви­део­кли­па.

  1. A man’s breakfast ___________ him to ______________.
  2. He stands ___________ and ___________ his flat.
  3. He goes ______________ the postman.
  4. The postman __________ his letters and joins him.
  5. They go _____________ some bushes.
  6. They go ____________ a swimming pool.
  7. They go ___________ a bus stop and the people waiting join them.
  8. They go __________ an office and the people in the office join them.
  9. They go ___________ one phone box and _________ another.
  10. They go _____________ a corner and _________ a narrow lane.
  11. They go ______________ a robot made of cardboard boxes.
  12. The man gets ___________ his flat.
  13. He walks __________ the glass and goes inside.
  14. He sits ____________.


  1. A man’s breakfast tells him to go.
  2. He stands up and leaves his flat. 
  3. He goes past the postman.
  4. The postman drops his letters and joins him.
  5. They go through some bushes.
  6. They go over a swimming pool.
  7. They go past a bus stop and the people waiting join them.
  8. They go through an office and the people in the office join them.
  9. They go into one phone box and out of another.
  10. They go around a corner and through a narrow lane.
  11. They go around a robot made of cardboard boxes.
  12. The man gets back into his flat.
  13. He walks through the glass and goes inside.
  14. He sits down.

 More prepositions of movement

Climbing up the mine

Sliding down the mine

Walking into the mine

Getting on the plane

Getting off the plane

Walking out of the mine

Riding over the mountain

Riding past the mountain

Riding toward the mountain

Swimming under the shark

Swimming around the shark

Swimming away from the shark

Running through the forest

Running across the dam

Взби­ра­ясь на руд­ник

Спус­ка­ясь с руд­ни­ка

За­хо­дя в шахту

Са­дясь на са­мо­лет

Сходя с са­мо­ле­та

Вы­хо­дя из шахты

Пе­ре­ез­жая через гору

Про­ез­жая мимо горы

Дви­га­ясь к горе

Про­плы­вая под аку­лой

Пла­вая во­круг акулы

Уплы­вая от акулы

Бегая через лес

Бегая через пло­ти­ну







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