10 класс. Английский язык. Герундий. Формы и функции герундия

10 класс. Английский язык. Герундий. Формы и функции герундия

Комментарии преподавателя

 Формы герундия

Ге­рун­дий имеет формы, вы­ра­жа­ю­щие залог и ха­рак­тер дей­ствия.

The Simple (Present) Gerund ис­поль­зу­ет­ся, когда мы го­во­рим о на­сто­я­щем или бу­ду­щем.


I like swimming.

Reading broadens your mind.

The Perfect Gerund ука­зы­ва­ет на то, что дей­ствие, вы­ра­жен­ное ге­рун­ди­ем, про­изо­шло рань­ше, чем дей­ствие, вы­ра­жен­ное ос­нов­ным гла­го­лом.


He denied having broken the window.

Passive Gerund также бы­ва­ет Simple (Present) и Perfect, но форму Simple можно ис­поль­зо­вать вме­сто формы Perfect без раз­ни­цы в зна­че­нии.


She hates having been lied to./She hates being lied to.

И все же ино­гда раз­ни­ца важна.


He reluctantly admitted to having been imprisoned.

Рас­смот­ри­те таб­ли­цу всех форм ге­рун­дия: 

Forms of the gerund



Simple (Present)


being taken


having taken

having been taken

Табл. 1. Формы ге­рун­дия

 Практическое задание

Да­вай­те по­тре­ни­ру­ем­ся пе­ре­во­дить пред­ло­же­ния, ис­поль­зуя ге­рун­дий:

1. Я люблю, когда со мной раз­го­ва­ри­ва­ют.

I like ________ to.

2. Я люблю по­го­во­рить по те­ле­фо­ну.

I like ________ on the phone.

3. Он упо­мя­нул по­куп­ку ма­ши­ны.

He mentioned _________ a car.

4. Она тер­петь не может, когда ей го­во­рят, что де­лать.

She can’t stand _________ what to do.

5. Он вышел из ма­га­зи­на, не за­пла­тив, по­это­му его об­ви­ни­ли в краже.

He left the shop without _________. So he was accused of _________ something.

6. Он от­ри­цал тот факт, что не за­пла­тил.

He denied _________.

7. Вы мо­же­те себе пред­ста­вить, что вы же­на­ты или за­му­жем за че­ло­ве­ком, ко­то­рый в 2 раза стар­ше вас?

Can you imagine __________ to a person twice your age?

8. Я по­здрав­ляю вас с вы­иг­ры­шем 1 мил­ли­о­на руб­лей.

I congratulate you on __________ 1 million rubles.

Про­верь­те себя:

1. I like being talked to.

2. I like talking on the phone.

3. He mentioned buying/having bought a car.

4. She can’t stand being told what to do.

5. He left the shop without paying/having paid. So he was accused of stealing/having stolen something.

6. He denied not having paid.

7. Can you imagine being married to a person twice your age?

8. I congratulate you on having won 1 million rubles.

 Сравнение форм инфинитива и герундия

Срав­ни­те ис­поль­зо­ва­ние ин­фи­ни­ти­ва и ге­рун­дия. 

Forms of the infinitive

Active Voice

Passive voice

Simple (Present)

(to) write

(to) be written


(to) be written



(to) have written

(to) have been written

Perfect Continuous

(to) have been writing


Табл. 2. Формы ин­фи­ни­ти­ва


Active Voice

Simple forms:

She decided to help them.

She considered helping them.

I can dance well.

I’m good at dancing.

He refused to wash up.

He objected to washing up.

Continuous form:

It’s nice to be lying on the sandy beach.

Perfect forms:

He seemed to have travelled a lot.

He admitted to having travelled a lot.

Perfect Continuous form:

I know him to have been writing the article on history for two weeks already.

Passive voice:

Simple forms:

She wants to be given a present.

She enjoys being given presents.

Perfect forms:

I was happy to have been awarded the 1st prize.

I mentioned having been awarded the 1st prize.

 Практическое задание

Вы­бе­ри­те пра­виль­ный ва­ри­ант от­ве­та:

1. Children usually enjoy taking/having been taking/being taken to the zoo.

2. Ann is impatient and hates making/being made/having been made to wait.

3. He was guilty and accused of having been stealing/being stolen/having stolen the wallet.

4. She was at the scene of crime but in court denied visiting/being visited/having visited the place before.

5. My friend is good at having played/being played/playing tennis.

6. Vera is a teacher and she likes teaching/being taught/having been taught.

7. Nick insisted on his friend’s taking/being taken/having taken part in the game.

8. Jack insisted on being explained/explaining/having explained the new rule again.

9. Bill was looking forward to having met/being met/meeting Polly the following week.

Про­верь­те себя:

1. Children usually enjoy taking/having been taking/being taken to the zoo.

2. Ann is impatient and hates making/being made/having been made to wait.

3. He was guilty and accused of having been stealing/being stolen/having stolen the wallet.

4. She was at the scene of crime but in court denied visiting/being visited/having visited the place before.

5. My friend is good at having played/being played/playing tennis.

6. Vera is a teacher and she likes teaching/being taught/having been taught.

7. Nick insisted on his friend’s taking/being taken/having taken part in the game.

8. Jack insisted on being explained/explaining/having explained the new rule again.

9. Bill was looking forward to having met/being met/meeting Polly the following week.

Функции герундия 

Ге­рун­дий ис­поль­зу­ет­ся как:

  • су­ще­стви­тель­ное:

Smoking is unhealthy. – Ку­ре­ние вред­но для здо­ро­вья.

Eating fresh vegetables is good for your health. – Упо­треб­лять све­жие фрук­ты – по­лез­но для ва­ше­го здо­ро­вья.

  • до­пол­не­ние после гла­го­лов love, like, dislike, hate (для вы­ра­же­ния общих пред­по­чте­ний):

She likes cooking. – Ей нра­вит­ся го­то­вить.

hate getting up early. – Я нена­ви­жу вста­вать рано.

Рис. 3. Ing-окон­ча­ния (Ис­точ­ник

 Функции герундия в предложении 

  1. Ге­рун­дий в функ­ции под­ле­жа­ще­го.

Travelling is a pleasure. – Пу­те­ше­ствие – это удо­воль­ствие.

Simultaneous translating is a hard job. – Син­хрон­ный пе­ре­вод – это тя­же­лая ра­бо­та.

  1. Ге­рун­дий в функ­ции до­пол­не­ния.

I like reading. – Мне нра­вит­ся чи­тать.

We couldn’t stop talking. – Мы не могли пе­ре­стать раз­го­ва­ри­вать.

  1. Ге­рун­дий в функ­ции кос­вен­но­го до­пол­не­ния (с пред­ло­гом).

He insisted on translating the article. – Он на­сто­ял на пе­ре­во­де ста­тьи.

He is responsible for making a poster. – Он от­вет­ствен­ный за со­зда­ние пла­ка­та (афиши).

  1. Ге­рун­дий в функ­ции опре­де­ле­ния.

The story has an advantage of being illustrated.

There’s little possibility of getting the data.

  1. Ге­рун­дий в функ­ции об­сто­я­тель­ства (перед ге­рун­ди­ем стоит пред­лог).

In solving problems it is important to discuss them at first. (In – при, во время).

On leaving school she entered University. (On – после, по).

She left without saying a word (without – без, without saying a word – не ска­зав ни слова).

We can do it by heating the air. (By – путем, по­сред­ством).

Рис. 5. Ге­рун­дий или ин­фи­ни­тив? (Ис­точ­ник


Упо­тре­би­те ге­рун­дий или ин­фи­ни­тив (рис. 5).

  1. I decided (go) to the cinema.
  2. He insisted on (go) to the cinema.
  3. Children enjoy (ski) in winter.
  4. I am fond of (read)
  5. Little children often ask (be taken) to the zoo.
  6. Book is worth (read).
  7. Avoid (speak) to strangers.
  8. I would love (see) you at the meeting.
  9. He is too young (drive).
  10. I promise (come).
  11. What’s the use of (stay) here?
  12. I don’t know what (do).
  13. We are looking forward to (meet) you.
  14. Let me (go) there or I’ll make you (regret) it.
  15. I am pleased (meet) you.
  16. He suggested (meet) at the theatre.
  17. She denied (steal) the bag
  18. They accused her of (steal) it
  19. I am thinking of (go) to the mountains.


  1. I decided to go to the cinema.
  2. He insisted on going to the cinema.
  3. Children enjoy skiing in winter.
  4. I am fond of reading.
  5. Little children often ask to be taken to the zoo.
  6. Book is worth reading.
  7. Avoid speaking to strangers.
  8. I would love to see you at the meeting.
  9. He is too young to drive.
  10. I promise to come.
  11. What’s the use of staying here?
  12. I don’t know what to do.
  13. We are looking forward to meeting you.
  14. Let me go there or I’ll make you regret it.
  15. I am pleased to meet you.
  16. He suggested meeting at the theatre.
  17. She denied stealing the bag
  18. They accused her of stealing it
  19. I am thinking of going to the mountains.






